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From whacky inflatable characters to Keytar Bear's groovy moves taking center stage, this year's Hatch Awards was a hoot! The theme: the city of Boston. I worked with ACD Louie Jannetty and Brian Gossett to create some of the collage-inspired designs for the show open, and the book cover.

Check out the full project here!

Role: Design
Year: 2018



Client: Boston Ad Club

Production: Black Math

Creative Direction: Louie Jannetty

Design: Louie Jannetty, Brian Gossett, Adabelle Tan, Veronica Ni, Corey Householder, Kory Demers

Animation: Louie Jannetty, Steve Madden, Kory Demers, Champ Panupong
Editor: Noah Canavan

Songwriting/Lyrics: Louie Jannetty
Music & Sound: Kate Siefker

© Black Math

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